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The Death Dhamma Podcast

May 29, 2021

Growing up down the street from advanced Buddhist practitioners (like Daniel Goleman, or Joseph Goldstein, or Sharon Salzberg), is no guarantee that your life will be easy, and that you will just know how to avoid suffering. How do I know this? Because I learned from Dave Smith, of

Between the...

May 26, 2021

Dave Smith of reminds us that death is not rocket science. We know everyone dies. And when we are confronted with death, it is painful. Our challenge lies in knowing about death, but not understanding how to deal with it. And so we treat it as something that needs to be fixed. We can just move on...

May 12, 2021

If you are looking for a mantra to help you navigate everyday life then consider this, "Have an Open Heart." If you are looking for a mantra to assist with your ability to help yourself and others prepare for death, try, "Have an Open Heart." Are you currently sitting with your own experiences of grief and loss? Please...

May 9, 2021

If you think that being a Buddhist is all about passive meditation and not about taking action - please listen to Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo. She will not say this, but I will, she is a role model for compassionate Buddhist social action.

So when she says that the way we live sets the stage for the way we die, she is...