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The Death Dhamma Podcast

Sep 26, 2022

Season 2 of the DD podcast is coming to an end. Because - impermanence. You know it will not go on forever. That's against what we have been discussing.

In the spirit of 'rebirth,' the podcast will continue in season 3.

The truth is that all of our experiences with impermanence are opportunities to deepen our practice...

Sep 15, 2022

When someone you love dies, the most apparent form of attachment is your attachment to your relationship. Now your mother, father, partner, or friend has gone. He or she is not coming down the hall to have breakfast with you. You are not going on vacation together. He or she will not make you dinner, do the dishes, or...

Sep 12, 2022

Mindfulness of death, when developed and pursued, is of great fruit and great benefit. It gains a footing in the Deathless, has the Deathless as its final end. Therefore, you should develop mindfulness of death.” - AN 6.19

What does it mean to really be mindful of death? Is it knowing that you will die someday, but...

Sep 1, 2022

Getting to the point where you can mindfully acknowledge that death can arrive before you finish reading this sentence takes effort. You know it is worth it.

"'The perception of death, when developed and pursued, is of great fruit, of great benefit. It gains a footing in the Deathless, has the Deathless as its final...