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The Death Dhamma Podcast

Nov 25, 2024

Today, we delve into the sensitive yet essential topic of discussing death, especially during the holiday season. Our guest, Reverend Jessica Sharp, founder of the Joyful Death Institute, shares their expertise on how to approach conversations about death with family and friends, guiding us through the complexities...

Oct 21, 2024

Margaret welcomes returning guest Stephen Schettini, a mindfulness teacher and author of acclaimed works such as "The Novice" and "The Art of Letting Go". Stephen shares his journey of exploring the historical Buddha, challenging traditional narratives, and diving deep into the early Buddhist texts of the Pali Canon.

Sep 30, 2024

Recalling her experiences visiting a California state prison alongside regular guest Venerable De Hong, Margaret Meloni uncovers the raw and profound manifestations of suffering within the correctional environment. Through the stories shared by incarcerated individuals, she highlights the common threads of abuse,...

Sep 23, 2024

Journey through a powerful sutta from the Samyutta Nikaya, where we witness a profound exchange between the Buddha and a newly ordained monk grappling with a severe illness. As the monk confronts his increasing pain and anxiety, the Buddha's compassionate visit becomes a pivotal moment for transformation. Rather than...

Sep 16, 2024

Consider these thought-provoking questions about the most important individuals in your life. Are you clinging to them out of fear? Or are you nurturing your relationships with love and mindfulness? Know the difference between unhealthy attachment and genuine care, it's natural to love your family and friends, but you...