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The Death Dhamma Podcast

Oct 2, 2023

In this episode of the podcast, Margaret introduces Whitney Sause, a Buddhist practitioner who has used Buddhism to navigate through significant challenges in her life. Whitney shares her journey of how she integrated Buddhism and attachment to overcome anger management issues and other difficulties. Whitney explains that her journey with anger began before her time in the military, as she was raised in an abusive and chaotic environment that lacked emotional processing skills. Seeking a way to escape the trauma, she enlisted in the military, which only reinforced her emotional walls and guardedness.

Whitney discusses the unique challenges faced by veterans and how Buddhism can help them navigate through their experiences. She reflects on the expectation for veterans to be tough and stoic, while vulnerability is often frowned upon. Whitney shares a pivotal moment in her life when the death of a friend made her realize the need for change. She made the decision to detach from her old lifestyle, disconnect from all her friends and family, and embark on a six-month journey of retreat and sobriety.

Throughout the episode, Whitney emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and breaking free from societal expectations. She recounts the moment she decided to visit her old partying scene after six months of retreat and sobriety, only to realize that people had let go of the person they thought she was. This experience reaffirmed her commitment to her new path and reinforced her faith in sobriety.

Join Margaret and Whitney as they delve into the intersection of Buddhism, attachment, and personal growth, exploring how these practices can provide guidance and healing in the face of life's challenges.