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The Death Dhamma Podcast

Oct 9, 2023

Welcome back to another episode of the Death Dhamma podcast! In our previous episode, we were deeply inspired by Whitney Sause's transformative journey and her insights into Buddhism, attachment, and personal growth. Whitney's story resonated with us as she shared her experiences of disconnecting from a challenging lifestyle and finding a new path.

During her six-month retreat, Whitney embraced the practice of Buddhism and meditation, which became an integral part of her life. However, she also came to a point where she realized that she needed to find equanimity with the role of Buddhism in her journey. This led to a profound realization that she could imagine a life without it, without clinging or becoming overly attached to any particular belief or practice.

We also delved into the idea of the future self, acknowledging that the person we are today is simply passing the baton to the future version of ourselves. Whitney embraced this concept with openness, refusing to hold onto a fixed idea of who she must become. This sentiment perfectly aligns with the teachings from the Bhaddekaratta Sutta, where we are encouraged to let go of chasing the past and placing expectations on the future.

By reflecting on this passage, we are reminded that dwelling on the past or fixating on the future only leads to suffering. Instead, we can focus on the present moment and embrace the practice of letting go. In doing so, we can work towards making amends for past mistakes and not be burdened by them. Similarly, overly anticipating the future and becoming attached to specific outcomes can also bring about suffering.

As we take a brief hiatus before Season 4, we can rest assured that the theme of attachment will resurface in future episodes. After all, attachment is an inherent part of our human experience as we navigate the world and seek to alleviate suffering. The teachings and discussions shared by our wise teachers aim to help us make the most of this lifetime and ultimately prepare for a peaceful death, while accepting the inevitable loss of our loved ones along the way.

So, until we meet again, dear listeners, keep practicing in the present moment and stay open to the ever-changing journey of life. Who knows what tomorrow holds? See you soon!