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The Death Dhamma Podcast

Sep 25, 2023

As we approach the end of season 3, Margaret finds herself reflecting on the lessons and challenges that come with planning a podcast. She realizes that there is an element of clinging involved in wanting to continue creating the podcast. However, she also acknowledges that if it is time to let go, then it is time to...

Sep 18, 2023

Today we delve into the teachings of the Pali Canon and explore the wisdom imparted by our esteemed teachers. Today, let's reflect on the concepts of tanha and dukkha, as elucidated in these verses:

"When this sticky, uncouth craving overtakes you in the world, your sorrows proliferate like wild grass after rain....

Sep 11, 2023

In this episode, we explore the topic of attachment and its role in our lives. Dr. Seth Zuiho Segal challenges the common belief that Buddhism advocates for non-attachment in all aspects of life. He explains that there are different kinds of attachments, including attachments to people, objects, opinions, and...

Sep 4, 2023

In today's episode, we will be contemplating the rules and our responses to them, drawing examples from both professional and spiritual realms.

In her professional life, Margaret teaches project management, guiding individuals in planning and implementing various initiatives. In an introductory course, participants...